• Alex Timmermans

Alex Timmermans never imagined that a photographic process, which has been invented by Frederic Scott Archer (1813-1857) more than 160 years ago, was going to have such an influence on his passion for photography. Alex Timmermans, born in 1962, is a self-taught photographer with a strong liking for ancient photographic techniques. He practised photography throughout his whole life, starting with a Nikkormat ftn. The change from analog to digital seemed to be a logical step. However, the excitement and magic of films got lost during this change: „everything became more predictable … too predictable”.

Working on the wet plate process made photography inspiring again. Being able to use antique cameras and brass lenses with a glorious photographic history like Dallmeyer, Hermagis and Darlot. It is pure because of the possibility to use ‚simple’ chemicals to reproduce amazingly detailed pictures. In general, shooting a single plate takes about an hour or sometimes even longer. To make just one single picture you will have to go through the whole process: cleaning the glass, pouring the plate with collodion, sensitize, exposure, developing, washing, fixing, washing it again and finally varnishing. Doing this outdoors means you will have to take everything with you, including a mobile darkroom, home-made chemicals, etc. A fully loaded wagon.

Thanks to the modern process of scanning and printing we’re now able to sell high quality prints from these the unique plates in a small edition.
Look at an interesting short video about how Alex works.